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Username Daily Votes Weekly Votes Monthly Votes Last Month All Time Votes
BatchOf150 BatchOf150 0 29 76 131 689
Firestone9 Firestone9 0 22 55 118 710
AbreuEngineer AbreuEngineer 0 9 38 90 335
FabledRope FabledRope 0 0 20 90 123
Bluedayz1238 Bluedayz1238 0 15 40 84 312
burpingslurpees burpingslurpees 0 10 35 79 123
Jackie_Thunder Jackie_Thunder 0 0 5 76 81
gr00vyduvy gr00vyduvy 0 5 13 73 123
Paladin11 Paladin11 0 5 25 68 136
mMurin mMurin 0 5 22 56 139
web_mel web_mel 0 0 5 56 66
chibill chibill 0 0 0 49 49
MaxD550 MaxD550 0 10 29 47 90
pseudofred pseudofred 0 4 19 44 73
ElSnail ElSnail 0 0 0 40 68
NoManaSendHelp nomanasendhelp 0 0 10 38 114
Geeeri geri 0 0 0 34 126
_IraqLobster_ _IraqLobster_ 0 0 10 34 44
Mythic_Hunter Mythic_Hunter 0 5 17 30 75
5kyn3t 5kyn3t 0 0 0 30 30
Rhogarr Rhogarr 0 0 4 29 33
super_magikarp super_magikarp 0 4 14 28 42
_DUCKI33_ _DUCKI33_ 0 0 5 25 35
ChiefWagon ChiefWagon 0 0 15 25 40
Yoshiah Yoshiah 0 0 15 25 40