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Player Based Economy
1 minute read

Our server's economy is all player driven, using Diamonds as our primary currency; players can trade, set up shops, and sell their hard earned loot and blocks to the other players in the community. Using traditional method of chests or using the newly added Shopkeepers plugin, manage your store the way you want to!

BareBonesMP is a Minecraft community founded on April 25th, 2019. We've been running ever since, amassing over 1,000 unique players and years of memories and fun. We strongly focus around the no pay-2-win and classic Minecraft server feels. We...
1 minute read
Voice Chat Mod
Voice Chat Mod
BareBones uses the Simple Voice Chat mod on our servers to allow players to communicate freely ingame without having to type or worry about joining discord servers. We offer a premade modpack hosted on Modrinth that includes the voice chat mod as...
1 minute read
Core Features
Core Features
Our server offers a variety of new features while maintaining the vanilla Minecraft experience. You can chat with others using Simple Voice mod, explore the world and chart your journey with the Dynmap, track your experience with the Leaderboards...
1 minute read